January 11, 2023: At this meeting, the Burlington Development Review Board took public testimony on the proposed demolition and deliberated on the application. Testimony was overwhelmingly against the proposed demolition. At the end of the meeting, the Board voted 4-2 to approve the application, which gives the applicant permission to demolish the building. This decision can be appealed to the Vermont Environmental Court and options for doing so are being explored now.
December 20, 2022: At this meeting, the Burlington Development Review Board heard the applicant’s project presentation and then voted to table further discussion and public comment for a Special Meeting on January 11, 2023.
December 13, 2022: At this meeting, the Burlington Design Advisory Board reviewed the application for a demolition permit to remove the former cathedral building and replace it with grass. At the end of the hearing, the DAB voted unanimously to recommend denial of the demolition permit application.
Please send an email to the following individuals and encourage them to consider alternatives to demolition of this important building and landscape. Sample text is provided in each message, and feel free to add your own comments.
Msgr. Peter Routhier & Rev. Msgr. John McDermott (Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington)
sjvt@comcast.net & jmcdermott@vermontcatholic.org
Mayor Miro Weinberger (City of Burlington)
Joe Magee & Perri Freeman (Burlington City Council)
jmagee@burlingtonvt.gov & pfreeman@burlingtonvt.gov
Brian Pine & Samantha Dunn (Burlington Community & Economic Development Office)
bpine@burlingtonvt.gov & sdunn@burlingtonvt.gov
Scott Gustin and Mary O’Neil (Burlington Zoning Division)
sgustin@burlingtonvt.gov & mconeil@burlingtonvt.gov
The building and landscape at 20 Pine Street are significant cultural, historic, and architectural resources that should not be demolished. Please give serious consideration to adaptive reuse of this landmark property and do not destroy it.
Visit www.divine20pine.com for information about why this property is worthy of preservation.
Thank you.